Tutorials covering Visualization

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Introduction Agricultural  burning and forest fire are some of the planet’s most serious environmental problems and, unfortunately, a very common occurrence in many countries. In the forests of the Amazon, the Congo Basin and Southeast Asia, fire can mean the advance of deforestation and most part of the fires are caused by humans in order […]


Introduction The Comma Separated File format, or just CSV, especifies a data type store in a tabular manner. Each line represent a record, and each field is delimited by a comma or another separator character. This format is accepted by popular tools like Excel, LibreOffice and Google Docs, and by most of programming languages. In […]


Leading media organizations are using Datawrapper, a simple and free tool, to improve their storytelling this way. Datawrapper is an interactive chart app that can be embedded into stories such as this one, which shows the Nigerian government’s proposed budget in 10 charts.


In this tutorial we will learn how to load data from an external file and we will create a graph with a population area x for the 10 most populous cities in the world.


In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to create an animation, it must be a short story that will serve as a teaser to invite the user to get to know the story we want to tell


Most available databases have some element of location to them. According to officers working at the open data portal of the US government, around 90% of their datasets contain geographical information, ranging from streets names to precise coordinates. In this tutorial, we will show the different kind of maps you can use to convey information […]


In this tutorial we will learn how to make a column chart using data in a table and how to customize it with some icons.

A project by Earth Journalism Network InfoAmazonia
Supported by Google for Media International Center for Journalists Code for Africa European Youth Press Youth in Action